Sunday, October 17, 2010

Diet Coke with Bacon

I can't decide whether or not I like Vanilla Coke.  I mean, it's good, but I don't know if it's that good.  I love Coke Floats, which have pretty much the exact same taste, but for Vanilla Coke, it's like... I'm looking for something refreshing, but then it's just not as refreshing as regular Coke, you know?  I guess the question is really which do I like better.  Hey~  I should totally do a poll.  Hurray for polls.


  1. I know what you mean. Maybe it's just the whole ice cream experience that's missing

  2. i had to read it all the way through. good stuff!

  3. I probably have the goofiest cola preference of them all. At break time at work a coworker and I always hit a convenience store which has a soda fountain and I almost always get a half and half of Coke and Pepsi. It's perfect because IMO Coke isn't sweet enough and Pepsi is too sweet.

  4. i dont like it...only regular

  5. Regular is definitely the way to go for me, even though I am trying to cut down on soft drinks. It's just an expense you should be able to live without, and life will thank you for it.

  6. They stopped serving Coke Vanilla here in Sweden :( I'm miserable!

  7. i dont like it the regular one is for sure the better one

  8. They finally made drinkable bacon!

  9. I vote for RC Cola. Long live the Royal Crown.

  10. I dont drink soft drinks anymore, but I like vanilla more myself.

  11. The ULTIMATE showdown! Coke Vanilla wins!
