Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Back

I really like this time of the year. Cooler weather, the holidays, and as for today, the end of daylight savings. We should really get an extra hour added to the day more often. I mean, think about how awesome it would be if everyone got an extra hour of sleep like every week or so. Too bad that would make our time/date system even crazier than it is now...

While I'm on the subject of things that would be awesome, I really wish I could teleport. Usually when I'm asked what super power I want, I say invisibility, or the ability to control time (which is kind of a lame response since it's so godly it hardly even counts as a super power), but I really do think teleporting would be amazing.

...There was something else I was going to say was awesome, but after the teleporation rant I can't remember what it was... Oh well. Later days.


  1. I'm definitely going to love that extra hour. Living in Seattle though, the weather is gonna suck :/ We don't even get snow, we just get really cold windy rain haha

  2. I forgot that we have an extra hour today! That's so cool thanks for reminding us. Nice blog, following and supporting!

  3. I loved the extra hour so much today, I really needed it

  4. Nah I love my sunlight and my internal clock is all jacked up. I want to move to Arizone, they don't do DST.

  5. I love the colors of the forests in this time of the year. (:

  6. Can't wait for winter. I love now. :)

  7. omg i agree im a big big fan of sleep FOLLOWED

  8. Fall is one of my favorite seasons .

  9. I hate this time of the year! Sky is gray, it's cold, windy and rainy :/

  10. Being able to teleport would be awesome.

  11. Time control would be best. I could freeze time, walk around or travel where ever I wanted and it be like I teleported there.

    Well, to everyone else.
