Friday, October 28, 2011

Totes Inappropes

Thanks for all the positive comments on the new header guys - I'm glad everyone likes it. So some friends and I went to a concert down in San Diego tonight. It was for Anamanaguchi and some other band I had never heard of called Starscream. I had originally found out about Anamanaguchi from the Scott Pilgrim video game, which they did the music for, and upon listening to some more of their music on Youtube I found out they had some pretty good stuff.

I still thought their best music was in the Scott Pilgrim game though, which unfortunately, they did not play any tracks from. Starscream wasn't very good, mostly dull and low-tempo music. Also the music was SO FREAKING LOUD. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've been to a couple concerts before, and I know the music is supposed to be loud, but this was in a tiny VIP-style room where the acoustics were ridiculous. Way too loud. The rest of the concert was alright though. Here's one of the songs they played: "Blackout City"